Wednesday, 9 June 2010

T.V heaven, T.V hell....

The new series of Big Brother is upon us.
And may I add, the FINAL series of Big Brother.
This is the original reality television series and probably the most successful, going world wide and spreading the infection.

I'm not really aware of the past series, but this one has a Circus Theme to it. It is very fitting considering the range of freaks and clowns they have put into the house to battle it out to become the Ultimate C-List Celeb of 2010!

Good luck to all of them I say.

Let every single poser, fake, bitch fight it out for the viewing pleasure of a majority of the UKs viewing public.

Why do we love this type of visual drudgery? Is it because we look at these people and think "there are people worse than me out there" is it because everyone has a secret voyeuristic element inside them and this lets them indulge in this fascination without the stigma attached to voyeurism normally....

When I say "we" I try not to count myself in this demographic.

Big Brother and reality TV: The reason that I stick to listening to music.

Good luck to all the freak, tarts and oddballs.

In other news...

N.W.A and Dr Dre currently playing on my Mac. Straight up Gangster shit!


Monday, 7 June 2010

Know Your Enemy.

Ahhhhhhh where to begin?!

I haven't blogged for a long time as I haven't really had anything negative to rant about!

I've been enjoying my time back in Cheltenham since returning from Uni, last week I had a mini-gathering with some people who I hadn't seen for a while before hitting town.
Staying up til 4.30 playing Fifa, followed by beer for breakfast and a 4 mile walk home at 3 the next morning made for an entertaining evening!

Before all of this happened I got to spend just under a week with my girlfriend as she was back from University briefly.
While we only had 6 days together and with time taken out by work schedules it was still really good times. 6 days seemed to turn into hours though as it always goes too quickly, roll on months together over the summer, hopefully it wont fly by!

Last night I was lucky enough to see Rage Against The Machine at Finsbury Park.
In simple terms, they were incredible. Every song they played was delivered with conviction and energy, this was a band genuinely celebrating their victory against the giant that is the Pop industry.

Highlights of the set for me were Bullet In Your Head, Township Rebellion and Freedom. Every song Rage played was an anthem and the capacity crowd screaming the refrain of "Fuck you I wont do what you tell me!" to Killing In The Name was incredible!

On another note, I started work today. Working on a factory line packing boxes. It ain't glamorous, it ain't fun, it does however pay well!
